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A little time spent now could save a lot of time later down the road. We have developed an easy 3-step process that will help you determine if your Lexus is subject to a voluntary customer service campaign or outstanding safety recall.
The VIN is a 17 digit manufacturer's number which can usually be found on a plate on the drivers side door sill or on a plate found in the engine bay.
The actual VIN plate location will vary depending on model and variant, however on most later models it is located at the bottom of the windshield on the drivers side. This number can also be found in the front of the service record book.
If you are having any problems finding it please contact our customer support team on
0845 129 5473
Sorry, we couldn't find your car details in our database.
Please check that your registration number or your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) has been entered correctly and try again.
Check to see whether your Lexus requires any voluntary customer service campaign work or is part of an outstanding safety recall.
Please enter your Registration
by providing this information we can look up your details automatically, to provide you with confirmation immediately.
Before you begin, you might find it helpful to have the following information to hand:
Your Registration or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). This information can be found in your car and on your V5.
This is your registration document (the new documents are red), provided by the DVLA. This document includes all of your vehicle details, including registration and VIN details.
If your registration number cannot be found or if you have a personalised numberplate, you can enter your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to identify your car instead.
Your 17-digit VIN can usually be found in section 4 of your V5 document, on the driver's side door pillar with the tyre inflation information, or under the bonnet of your car. Find out more.
Checking details for vehicle
For security, enter both words below, separated by a space.
Can't read the words below? Try different words.
Is this your Lexus?
We are pleased to confirm that your Lexus is not affected by any voluntary customer
service campaigns or outstanding safety recalls and no further action is required.
If you have any other queries please contact your local Lexus Centre or call us on
0845 129 5473.
We have identified that your Lexus is subject to a voluntary customer service campaign or outstanding safety recall.
This can be rectified at no cost, by contacting your local Lexus Centre or call us on
0845 129 5473 to arrange a time at your convenience.
We have identified that your Lexus is subject to a voluntary customer service campaign
or outstanding safety recall.
This can be rectified at no cost, by contacting your local Lexus Centre or call us on:
0845 129 5473
to arrange a time at your convenience.
Please call the Lexus Contact Centre on:
0845 129 5484
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 09:00 -18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Some telephone calls to the Lexus Contact Centre and to individual Lexus Centres may be recorded for training and/or auditing purposes.
Vehicle & Operator Services Agency Vehicle safety recalls are important, so it may be reassuring to know that in Britain they are carried out in line with a strict industry code of practice that's rated the best in Europe.